After making the watercolors projected on stage at the Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse in October 2019, I had the pleasure of working on the illustrations that dress the play Ducobu. This play, written and directed by Caroline Magne, is performed at the Théâtre de la Tour Eiffel. It is inspired by the comic strip by Zidrou and Godi, which has given rise to three films interpreted in particular by Elie Simoun in the role of Professor Latouche.
So I designed several atmospheres in agreement with the artistic direction and to compose as well as possible with the actors on stage, to represent a classroom, schoolyard and fair.
The drawing style is in a clear line in the spirit of the comic book, with vivid areas of color. In order to have an optimal display quality on the screens, I opted for an illustration with digital painting, which allows a faithful reproduction of colors and lines.