Creation of a series of personalized greeting cards. Very limited edition of 10 greeting cards illustrating a peaceful stream bordered by palm trees at the foot of the dunes of the Sahara desert. Creation of a composition on behalf of a Franco-Tunisian company. Watercolor on paper.
Even if digital technology has naturally replaced most of our exchanges, traditions remain. Traditional greeting cards always carry a special message. A watercolor card is more than just a rushed message.
Recipient can fully appreciate the card received and framed if desired. The sender takes more care when writing his message. Choice of words is important, it reassures the promise of the image addressed to his loved one.
Words are precious, a card, even if it is sent only once a year, when it receives such attention, strengthens the bond between the two people. The challenge is therefore to find a theme that is strong and powerful enough to evoke a memory or a common issue. The primary objective is to convey a warm and positive image. Making personalized greeting cards allows this freedom, that of choosing the first message to illustrate. Whether it’s a winter scene or a Mediterranean landscape, there are many illustrative options.