Watercolor Parc of Maisons Laffitte

watercolor of the Parc de Maisons Laffitte
Watercolor of the Parc de Maisons Laffitte

Realization of this watercolor of Parc Maisons-Laffitte. The city enjoys a spectacular green setting in which walkers like to get lost. Numerous wooded reserves adorn the city with natural plots of charms and lime trees. So many refuges for red squirrels, jays and chickadees which coexist with splendid villas.

Being lucky enough to live in this incredible place, I have an incredible playground for regularly painting watercolors or drawing in the shade of trees. In addition, the rich and varied architecture of these beautiful residences is enhanced by these green spaces. Attic rooms, millstones, chalets or modern houses, there is something for everyone.

Add a few handfuls of riders trotting around in this environment, and you’ll have a result that is not far from what heaven can be.

Whatever the season, the Parc Maisons-Laffitte is a delight for the eyes. The leaves of the trees are adorned with beautiful shades of color. Bright spring green can give way to warm fall hues. These delicate tones offer endless possibilities for watercolor, gouache or any creative pleasure.

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